Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Art Direction in a Nutshell

A post in Design Shack teaches you how to make a presentation on power point. If you follow the tips... the presentation will very well look professional-- even if you're not. I love it!

Part one here and part two here

Like I said, it's Art Direction in a nutshell. If you're still using comic sans for instance... it's so unprofessional. It's a kiddie font that you used in grade school to send emails to your friends. Using that for a presentation gets you a minus in credibility at once. Here's my favorite video about fonts here. It makes me laugh every time.
Splashing Photoshop filters left and right is just insanity. There is no form. Art doesn't have to be so cerebral like a deep dark secret hidden under each brush stroke, waiting to be revealed by the correct person like a treasure hunt. Tori Amos coined it: "What's so amazing about very deep thoughts?" A presentation is not an art gallery. If nobody understands what they are looking at... well... bye-bye audience.

I was trained under a strict Creative Director who I will always credit for the skills and maturity I have now. He made sense about art, though method of course could have had more finesse. The basic tips that Design Shack shared covers a whole spectrum of graphic design today. As simple as photographs, quick editing, point of sale artworks and layout... and many more will be way easier on the eyes. I have to point out that the distance of your eyes to your brain should describe the speed of translation from what you see to what you understand.

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