Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Stereo Mood

dot com
Love the site and love the selections.

Then this song reminded me of another song, bang bang.
I think it's the clarity and the lyrics that got me. I just had to put this down... why? Beats me. :)

Artist(Band): CIBELLE
Song: Green Grass
Album: The Shine Of Dried Electric Leaves
Release: 2006-5-2

Lay your head where my heart used to be
Hold the earth above me
Lay down in the green grass
Remember when you loved me

Come closer don't be shy
Stand beneath a rainy sky
The moon is over the rise
Think of me as a train goes by

Clear the thistles and brambles
Whistle 'Didn't He Ramble'
Now there's a bubble of me
And it's floating in thee

Stand in the shade of me
Things are now made of me
The weather vane will say
It smells like rain today

God took the stars and he tossed them
Can't tell the birds from the blossoms
You'll never be free of me
He'll make a tree from me

Don't say good bye to me
Describe the sky to me
And if the sky falls, mark my words
We'll catch mocking birds

Lay your head where my heart used to be
Hold the earth above me
Lay down in the green grass
Remember when you loved me
Remember when you loved me
Remember when you loved me

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Idle Time

Following a comment from prof on our interesting talks haha... It left me to think about how I come in everyday to work and do the things I do.
Even in a lull between projects, the team is not idle in so far as just sitting around doing nothing. We are all actively stimulated in the form of internet browsing, chatting, playing yes (yes, facebook and the like). Always learning, always developing new concepts and different innovations in a small scale.

There is always something new out there, something to learn from. Don't waste your day with an idle mind... that's a sure fire recipe to burn yourself out. I'm a fan of routine with its guise of certainty and reliability. We all need that. is there such a thing as a varying routine? haha

Anyway... just to share the things I was surprised to learn today:

I credit this link to Joem as it was shown to him by a friend of his. It's a good watch, if you don't mind too much romping scenes.

"We All Want to Be Young"
Quoting the site: "The movie "We All Want to Be Young" is the outcome of several studies developed by BOX1824 in the past 5 years. BOX1824 is a Brazilian research company specialized in behavioral sciences and consumer trends.
This movie has an open license by Creative Commons.
Written and directed by Lena Maciel, Lucas Liedke and Rony Rodrigues.
Zeppelin Films

I like that it targets the future trends in the way that the older 40 and up people have been just trying to grasp the idea of information sharing. Something as facebook and twitter now would never have been a jargon that I would describe to my yaya. Nevertheless, I do talk to her about people I haven't seen for a long time and just reconnected through facebook. I get my sister to show her pictures, video and such about my dog Yoji. It's interesting to see that all this information is just accepted without having to know how, why this kind of info is suddenly available through computers. Another item of appliance that can't be described, really, and going back further, the TV and so on.
From the video you can see where things are headed for the kid demography of today. Now to develop that idea to toys and concepts that go beyond yoyo's.

Angola Essay by Contra Mestre PererĂª

A Primer for beginner students

I found this one from the Capoeira forum. Actually the intro in the forum just wanted some traffic to their site... check it out and learn a little bit more of Angola. To be honest with you it's a long read with that font and background color. Just sayin'. I haven't finished reading it myself. This is partly why I decided to post this here, as I've since decided to stuff things like this in one place.


A few weeks ago someone tagged this lady's art: Cristina MarĂ­a Gandaia Fazzito, I just had to add her just to hit the LIKE button. Here's her work with Capoeira Art.
Amazing. Stuff I only wish I had the time and materials to do. Pure capture, I really love the details she put with minute details as gestures, and the expression on the body. As such, with great respect to her drawings as well :) I will always find it a happier art world with more girls who draw rather than the surprising stereotype that only guys can draw and make it to the professional art world. I've seen girls draw, and it's a privilege to draw really well.

An ongoing facebook experiment is going long with having your childhood's favorite cartoon character as your profile picture. This led to someone showing a picture of the cartoon "Fire and Ice". I know I've seen this... but for the life of me I can't remember what the story was, what happened, who the characters are and whatnot. Oh yes, will do download of course haha. It's just fun to know that one of the artists involved in the production is a favorite: Frank Frazetta. :)

Another thing I learned today, random: my 100 peso Divisoria ruffle scarfie looks good on the trenchcoat hahaha. I'm using it like a necktie :P